Friday, November 12, 2004

Friday.... aaaah.

It was a long week. 7am starts at, 6am yesterday. With the short days, I find the early starts take their toll. Around 8pm, I feel like its bedtime. Blame sunsets at 4:45pm. And we're still 6 weeks from the shortest day of the year.

On the flipside, its been warm. I'm done work early and that means I can catch sunset on the beach.

The last few mornings have been foggy, which makes for an interesting looking city.

The weekend has arrived. A good thing. Lots to do: border calendar, write article on Radio Museum, taxes (always the damn taxes), and maybe a little R&R.

Back to CTV next week... dayshift on Monday and Tuesday. Nights the remainder.

How exciting!

A terrible accident on a local freeway made everyone stop and think: live for today, because there may be no tomorrow.

That's nice, but I'm tired and going to bed.


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