Tuesday, November 02, 2004

It's election day in the USA.

And, it is really an election for the entire world.

In reality that last statement may be a little strong. I think when you peel back the layers, there isn't much difference between Kerry or Bush. But on the surface, it seems like the difference between good and evil. In reality it's more like Coke or Pepsi.


The world perceives Bush as a war mongering, dumb, isolationist tyrant, puppet whose strings are controlled by the unseen forces of darkness.

And Mr. Kerry is seen as the Vietnam vet (volunteer, no less) who believes in his country, but not blindly in it's politics. A man who speaks up and challenges wrongdoers.

The truth is probably somewhere in the middle.

But - as someone who is as American as you can get with out being an actual American - I think that they are lost down there. Scared. Lied to. Wondering why the world hates them.

"What did I do? I'm just a soccer mom who watches E.R."

No wonder they get kookier everyday. US news is nothing but a smorgasbord of fear, disaster and death. There is no BBC. No CBC. It's all polarized. And it's all frightening.

And today, they - including the soccer mom - have a chance to change things. Like I said, the leaders aren't that different. The parties aren't that different. But the perception is.

And the world needs to perceive that America is ready to change its ways. Even if it's a smoke screen.

Things are going to get worse. There will be more bombs, more deaths, more craziness if you know who gets in for another 4 years.

It's too bad there isn't a viable 3rd candidate. Someone like Crusty the Clown or Bender.

But alas, in the cradle of democracy, that is not to be.

America IS a great country. Look at all the music, the books, the films. They gave us The Simpsons! How can you hate a country with that sort of sense of humour? Sure, they also gave us Extreme Makeover, but that's another story.

In just moments I am heading to America to be an unofficial observer. I'm going to a small town in Washington State called Bellingham. It is only an hour from the border... but a world away.

I'll be with the Democrats as the results pour in. I hope Kerry wins. But I doubt we'll know tonight. With all the talk about cheating and discounted votes... it may be a while before we know if the election is stolen again.

For great coverage, check drudgereport.com often. There is actual news there that is found no where else.

A full report tomorrow!


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