Friday, November 05, 2004

Death of the $500 Car?

Oh oh...

Later today (or tomorrow, depending on one's point of view), I have a shoot out in Port Moody.

Thur/9:45pm - At work, my pal Gary (who is shooting Friday - I am doing sound) joked about picking me up along the Barnett Highway should my car die.

Friday / 12:14am - As I crossed the Georgia Viaduct on the way home -- BLAM! -- something serious let go. Not sure what, but it sounds like a blown muffler. Except it now runs rough and a loud chugga-chugga blares from under the hood.

Friday / 12:20am - Make it home, car does not stall. Smoke (exhaust?) appears from under hood. I go to check under hood, but noise is too loud. Fear disturbing neighbours. Kill engine. Try to restart - it starts.

So... either my $500 car has kicked the bucket, or I have blown something in the exhaust system (pipe? manifold?).


Dilemma: Try and drive to Port Moody tomorrow... or... ?

Must... sleep... now....

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