Saturday, December 13, 2003

Pandy finally aired! After recording the elements in April, it was nice to hear the piece being broadcast across our great Dominion. I listened to my feed of CBC Halifax and heard the broadcast 4 hours earlier than in Vancouver. God love satellite television (and radio).

If you missed it, and want to hear it (and have a PC), go to the CBC DNTO ON DEMAND website (click here) and then hit "load this weeks selection." Then click on the 6th item from the left (2nd documentary icon), drag to the player and click play. And you should hear it. After December 19th, it will be archived somewhere on the same site.

If you own a Mac, forget it. DNTO is not Mac compatable. I will post the file on my homepage (file sharing) as soon as I get up and running at home.

And speaking of the broken Powerbook -- the drive is dead, but I'm getting a new one under warranty. However, it may cost about $60 to recover the data. I'll try and get that discounted if I can.

Well, local news calls. The life of a freelancer on a Saturday night. Woo frickin' hoo!


PS: And check out the Christmas tree in the Estonian city of Narva -- on the Estonia-Russia border. We were there drinking beer this summer....

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