Last night I hit the sack around 11pm. It was a long day of moving and cleaning and wanting to get this whole episode behind me.
It is.
Today I woke up to the sound of silence at 8:30am. First time in a very long time that I have had that much sleep at once. I did wake up a few times, but this is probably due to the new surroundings.
The whole exercise yesterday went well. The landlord gave me back half the rent for October - so I now have more thab 2/3 of the cash needed for the Nikon digitial camera I am drooling over. I am expecting 100% of the damage deposit too. That will push me over the edge of saving for the camera.
The Ahsoeasy people took my stuff away. And I left the place as I found it - empty.
The carpet cleaner came in the afternoon. Originally from Halifax, we had a long chat about following your passion...
Today, my first day back home was spent following absolutely no schedule.
I read a bit this morning, then wandered off to Cafe Deux Soliel for my "Eggs in the Hole." Then to Magpie for the Globe, The Times, and Vanity Fair (don't laugh - there is some great Anti-bush stuff in it this month). Then I wandered to a used bookstore and chatted with the owner, played with her dog, and bought a pre-1989 road atlas of Europe.
Then to Continental for a double Americano and a window seat to watch the Commercial Drive freaks parade by.
Then home to read some more.
Tonight (Friday) I am house sitting at Lisa's place -- tomorrow too. Then back here for the long haul.
I am certainly happier to be on this side of the world again. Deep Cove is nice, but it's just not me. I'm more of a bohemian than a soccer mom!
It's good to be home.
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