Thursday, October 28, 2004

Second day off in a row.

I had a list of things to do that was as long as my arm. The sun forced me to disregard.

After spending last night building shelves and moving and removing boxes in my new abode, it was obvious I needed at least one more shelving unit.

So I hit Ikea, and then because it was so nice I went to Steveston for a several KM walk. Amazing place, this. Lots of blooming flowers, blue sky, warm sun, and snow on the mountains.

On the way home I went via the university (UBC) and spotted eagles hanging out in a tree...

And then I stopped again at Spanish Banks for a walk along the beach. Too nice.

Later in the night we were treated to the big lunar eclipse. Summed up as Ho Hum.

It's a great place to live...


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