Yeah, yeah, I know.
You're waiting for the US Navy story.
You're waiting for the Kumasi story.
You're waiting for the Tamale story.
They're coming. Really. I just have to finish 'em. And I'm close. But today, there were distractions aplenty.
I'm still seething about ANOTHER theft. The value is low, but the disgust is the same. This time 5 kg of rice. I hope the thief chokes.
There's been no water for the past few days. Normally, this isn't a big deal. Still, I'd like to have one more real shower before I leave town.
Packing has gone swimmingly. I'm leaving a lot of clothes and stuff behind -- no sense carting it all to and fro.
Unfortunately I've still crammed my faux hockey bag and backpack full of stuff. Plus a carry-on holding two laptops. And my camera bag.
I had intended to blow out of town tomorrow (I want to put as many KM between me and the thief as possible). But I also wanted to have dinner with two SKYY reporters first. We'd planned to do that tonight -- but one had to delay.
That means I'll take the bus to Accra Wednesday -- stay somewhere swanky Wednesday night -- then head to the airport midday Thursday.
I'll be leaving with mixed feelings. In many ways, this has been the best experience of my life. And, in many ways, the most disappointing -- though that has more to do with the bad roommate who continues to blind people with his layer of bullshit. Bitter? Definitely.
Though through the rose coloured glasses of hindsight, I'm sure the stuff that has my blood boiling will seem petty. As in petty theft. Bwah ha ha.
Tuesday I'll commence a-writing. Finish up the remaining chores. And take a beer or two with Christian and Ebenezer.
After that it's one more sleep in Takoradi. Two in Ghana.
Good night and good gravy!
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