Saturday, March 22, 2008

from the "and now for something completely different" dept.

The long weekend is finally here and I'm hitting the road!

After working nearly two weeks straight (split between my promo gig and freelance) I'm ready for a break. It should have started on Good Friday, but I had to finish off another article... and that took a good 7 hours.

But it's done.

I'm heading down to the USA today (unless there are crazy 4 hour border line-ups like Friday) for a two day photo safari. No itinerary, just wandering around with no particular place to go.

Well, there are some particular places: the Bellingham Democratic office to pick up my Obama toque, Target for some T-shirts and naproxin (I have a 70-year-old's back) and Seattle Bottleworks for some Baltika 6 and/or 9.

I'd also like to snag a bottle of Ron Zacapa Centanario 23-year-old Guatemalan rum, but the Washington State Liquor Stores website doesn't list it anymore. This is not good.

The BIG trip to Denmark/Romania/Moldova/Ukraine is about a month away. I've got about a week of time to kill in Denmark at the end of the trip and I was thinking about renting a car and driving to Germany and the Netherlands. But seeing the cost of the Euro ($1.60), I'm not so sure. It's going to be expensive!!

I continue to love my MacBook but I despise the keyboard. It makes typing so hard that I actually prefer using an old windows desktop for writing. I might have to get a full-size keyboard in the US as well.

Right. I best get my arse in gear and head south. Photos to come!


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