Friday, March 21, 2008

from the "crisis at Buduburam" dept.

A lot of stories have been posted about the events this week at the Buduburam refugee camp (or "settlement" in UN speak). The camp's population is made up mainly of Liberian refugees who are scheduled to be repatriated with their homeland. But many would rather go to a third country like Canada.

It's a complex issue that has many sides to it - though many accounts are based on emotional "reporting" rather than fact.

Last week, my friend and former colleague Seth Kwame Boateng reported from the scene as scores of women and children were arrested during protests against UNHCR's repatriation plans. His story is HERE.

Seth and Joy-FM (Accra) covered the unfolding story all week.

Scorpions set on Liberian Refugees

Protesting refugees plead for clemency

Internationally, the AFP reported that Liberian refugees don't want to quit Ghana, dream of the West.

It's going to be interesting to see how the UNHCR and Government of Ghana resolve this complex and emotional problem and how the press will report it.


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