Tuesday, March 18, 2008

from the "it's the sub-primes, stupid" dept.

There's some scary stuff going on south of the border... is this another long-lasting gift from W to the people of the U.S.A.? Maybe not directly, but a stupid war and a corrupt administration don't do much for the economy. Four More Years! Four More Years!

Take note the last sentence below. What does that say about the state of today's media?

The details and link from BoingBoing:
In this chilling BBC clip, a newsteam ventures to one of LA's new shantytowns made up of people who've lost their homes in the subprime meltdown and now live in tents, improvised shacks or RVs on abandoned land. It's the contemporary Hooverville, and, as the Subliterate Cinephile notes, I wonder why I found out about this from the BBC and not US media. Link

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