Today's frustrations (and continuing ones):
This has more to do with housesitting, and the problems are of my making.
1. Coffee: I like fresh ground good stuff. But I cannot find a grinder here, so I use the blender. Finally figured out how to make a grind that is not too fine.
Next: brewing -- have to do it manually. The bowdum (sp?) leaves too much ground coffee in the brew for my liking. So I have finally figured out a new process. Bought some filters, stuck 'em in a small funnel, and drip water through that into the bowdum. Works, but is slow. And there is no way to keep the coffee warm. And there is no nuker. Wah!
2. Ironing: For the life of me I cannot find the iron. Found the ironing board, but not the iron. So I have been trying to dewrinkle with various methods that all suck. So I borrowed an iron which threatened to burst into flame and left a residue on my good pants. ARGH! I think I will go buy an iron that works!!
That's it for the bitching. Off to a Film Festival seminar on documentaries. Should be fun!
Also, have a new version of the story agreement -- hopefully get it to the family this week. And then we'll be done!
No word on Poland. Still waiting to win/find/borrow $2000 to pay for the trip.
And the Albania piece appears in the paper tomorrow... link to follow.
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