Monday, July 21, 2014

THR +17

July 21, 2014

That was better.

Yesterday I stayed home and off the crutches. When it was time for bed, I found that I didn't have as much shoulder pain. I was able to get somewhat comfortable -- although I detest sleeping on my back (and sleeping on one's side isn't recommended after hip replacement).

I popped an oxy and drifted off around 10am. I slept solid until around 2, when I woke up and felt uncomfortable. I fell asleep again, and then woke up at 4:30. I decided to just get up.

Around 5am, there was a message from a friend of mine in Halifax with that bad news that a former Global Halifax colleague had passed on. Cancer. Boo.


On the agenda today: coffee with CBC pal Bob Nixon at 8:30. Then the hunt for a physio therapist/clinic. I've also got a piece to finish for Shaw (which is all but done and not due until tomorrow).

And that's life at 5:56am.


I met former-CBC colleague Bob Nixon for coffee at Joe's on Commercial Drive here in Vancouver. We sat and shot the breeze for a couple of hours. It was very nice to visit with someone!  I hard to stuff my backpack with pillows so that I had a riser to sit on. My hips have to be 2" higher than my knees. We went for a short stroll, too. Bob was surprised that my pronounced limp is now gone. Hurray!

Then I came home, took the garbage out -- using carabiners to attach the garbage bags to my belt!

Then made an appointment for physio (downtown) on Wednesday. Which means I had to then book rides with HandyDart (Vancouver's HandyTransit service). Sounds like I'll be doing a lot of waiting.

I should be able to travel on the bus once I'm down to one crutch or a cane. And that isn't far off.

A good day. So far. :)

Exercise: 18 flights of stairs, 6 city blocks

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