Wednesday, July 23, 2014

THR +19

July 23, 2014

Finally -- a decent sleep. And on my back, no less.

I retired early last night, taking an oxy about an hour before hitting the sheets. Worked a treat! Solid sleep with one trip to the baƱo in the middle of the night. Not much pain -- even the shoulder cooperated.

I did roll out of bed early, though. Something like 5:30am. But I love like this time of day and it gives me hours to get ready for physio at noon.

Speaking of which: it's supposed to rain like hell today, but so far... nada. Hopefully the rains hold off until I'm back home this afternoon. It'll make the trip downtown much easier. And drier. - July 23, 2014 @ 6:30am. No rain yet!

I find I'm stronger every day, although my calf (operated leg) remains tender to the touch and there is some numbness in the thigh. I'll be asking about that today.

My diminished appetite seems to be gone too. This is good and bad. Good, because food is important for recovery. Bad, because the next goal is to drop at least 40 lbs by Christmas. If I can't exercise yet, then I'll really have to watch the intake. I don't want to gain a bunch, just to have to lose it again. I have my juicer, so I may start juicing 1 or 2 meals a day. There's a fresh veggie market a couple of blocks away -- so perhaps I'll start going out every morning for fresh ingredients to juice.

I'm eating more wheat as well. I have a bit of a gluten issue (I get intolerant if I consume too much). But it's helpful in keeping the system flushed. The oxy and blood thinner were stopping me up.


Physiotherapy Day!

HandyDart picked me up at the pre-scheduled time. That went well. For $2.75 I was delivered directly to the physio's office downtown.

Physio was fine. The PT said things are progressing nicely and I'm doing well. However, he was concerned with the swelling in my leg and bruising in my calf. He told me that I have to elevate my leg several times a day (which I hadn't been doing, other than at night). He also said to continue with the same exercises, just increase the amount. He did some electroshock stuff, too.

I return in a month.

Getting home was a bit of an issue. First, I'd scheduled HandyDart for 3pm even though physio ended around 2pm (my mistake). That meant I had to amuse myself downtown for an hour. I ended up at Tim Horton's for a coffee and sandwich. I sat outside watching the waves of people trying their best to avoid the heavy rain.

At 3, I received a call from a taxi. When HandyDart gets busy, they send cabs. When booking, the customer tells the reservation office what gear they have: wheelchair, walker, crutches, etc. So, knowing that I just had crutches they sent a cab.

It was not fun.

I struggled to get into the front seat (I'm not allowed to bend past 90 degrees, cross my legs or twist). I'm sure I did all three. At one point I thought I'd dislocated the new joint.

After major effort, I managed to get in. It was awful, and next time I use HandyDart I'll tell them that I can't do cars. Yet.

Once home, the day returned to normal. I had planned to go out with some CTV pals, but it was pouring -- and I can't hold an umbrella when using crutches. Plus I wear sandals because they're way easier to put on the swollen foot. So, going out in the rain means getting soaked.  

I ended up doing some Shaw work, more exercises and generally took it easy. I elevated my foot for a while and went to bed early. I took a single oxy (the only one of the day) just before bed.

Exercise: 4 downtown city blocks, 10 flights of stairs


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