I am still staying at Ivan and Katia's house. Ivan came up yesterday from the Music Week fesitval in Belize City. Katia is off to a film conference in Costa Rica. Brent is here. Roh was here, but went back to Belmopan this morning.
The free WiFi I've been poaching has become rather crappy, so there will be few images posted until Monday, when I return to Belize City and Brent's fat broadband.
Saturday night we had a big BBQ. I had a chance to meet Tim, one of the other land owners of the hill where Ivan, Katia, Brent and Roh are barrons. He brought along a couple of pals from the Peace Corps.
Sunday was a somewhat lazy day. I finished my writing project after another four hours or so of typing away on the deck. And Brent and I did little else. Ivan headed off to the studio in Benque.
Sunday evening, just before sunset, we all headed to the piece of land near San Ignacio. There are only a few pieces left, and I am scratching my head trying to figure out how to get me a chunk. Donations gratefully accepted.
Sunday night Ivan played a CD he is releasing in Belize soon (it has already been released in the US). It's called Belize City Boil UP and is a collection of super funky tracks from the 70s. This music was lost for decades... until it was discovered in a basement in New York. I highly recommend it -- and you can learn more here.
It's still early Monday morning. There is a layer of smoke over the town, but the sun will soon burn through that. It's remarkably quiet, with just one dog barking, the turkey vs. rooster battle, and someone blasting reggaton. Compared to 3am when a pack of dogs decided to go bonkers outside my window, its like being in a cone of silence.
Later this morning Brent and I will head back to Belize City. Over the next few days we'll shoot some stuff with the Grandmaster. And then it's off to Caye Caulker on Thursday. That will feel like a whole new holiday!
More from Belize City Monday night...
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