Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Leroy "The Grandmaster" Young

Leroy "The Grandmaster" Young
Originally uploaded by

Tuesday Morning:

On Monday, Brent and I lounged around for a few hours. Then I had to get working on my Vancouver writing project -- the final version -- and it should now be put to bed. And there will be some money waiting for me when (if) I come home.

Monday afternoon we went to visit and photograph Leroy "The Grandmaster" Young. I've written about GM and Brent's doc project before. I was very happy with the images, and thanks to Randy's kind loaning of a 10.5 fisheye, I was able to caputre some cool stuff.

We also experimented with over-exposure and using the bounce board to create some neat effects.

More pictures are on my Flickr site. See link, right, if you haven't been there. The URL is (you'll have to cut and paste).

More images are coming... but we're off to shoot some stuff for the doc today.


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