Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Rasta Set

Originally uploaded by borderfilms.com.

Yep. Another sunset - the Tuesday edition.

Few words can once again sum up the day:

0600 - Up for sunrise, make pot of coffee.

0605 - Lounge/read/daydream.

1100 - Breakfast at Herbal Tribe. The ham and cheese omlette was ok. Watermelon juice was fantastic!

1200 - Lounge/read/daydream/sweat

1205 - first rum

1745 - Watch sunset at Lazy Lizard. Chat with locals.

1900 - Make chili again. Feast.

2100 - Bed time

That's pretty much the day. The main points anyway. I figure there isn't much point detailing bathroom visits or the checking of email.

Regarding reality: I'm definitely headed back to Seattle on Friday. Will stay the weekend. Then home for another week off (unless something comes up).

I think I have a birthday in the near future too...

Well, must sleep. My last full day on Caye Caulker is tomorrow, and I want to be swimming in the Caribbean Sea as the sun comes up at 0600.


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