Saturday, January 13, 2007

from the "night" dept.

Out the window
Originally uploaded by borderfilms (Doug).

I haven't had much time to photograph Toronto these past few days. As always, time and short days are the enemy.

I do have to head downtown to pick up my rental car, and I'm hoping to at least grab the odd point-and-shoot shot of something remotely interesting.

As previously mentioned, I am heading north to Oakville for the night. It'll give me a chance to decompress with friends and do laundry.

My head is still swirling with thoughts of what to expect next week. I'm having a hard time finding focus.

And I find it odd not to have to carry keys. That'll change once I snag the rental.

With that, I'm off to ride the Rocket downtown.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Focus",,,, thats what that lens ring does,,,, I always wondered,,,,

Keep up the fine web log and best wishes on the journey.
