Saturday, June 19, 2004

A good hike: 26:11 up; 26:10 down. Getting a little bit faster.

It was paradise sitting in the sun overlooking Indian Arm. I read the paper and enjoyed the quiet. Until about 20 10-year-olds showed up on some sort of outing.

Back in town, I stopped in at the little deli in my building and had a late breakfast of tomato juice, a banana and a tangerine. Fun!

And now it's time to get ready to head into work. I have some errands to run, so I have to go downtown early. Tomorrow I am off, but there is the big wedding to attend.

I hope I have some decent clothes that fit...

I may not have mentioned that I have sold another article to the Georgia Straight. This one on the divided Netherlands/Belgium communies of Baarle-Hertog & Baarle-Nassau.

Also, the sale of another photo is pending.


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