Tuesday, June 22, 2004

The question of the day: If you will something to happen, will it.

From past experience I know that all my willing to win the lottery and provided zero return.
But on the other hand, sometimes if you think something is going to happen, it does.

I knew when I moved out to the boonies that my car was going to die. I just knew it.
This is really no surprise, as the car is old and has nearly 400,000km.

And the minimum 35km I add daily probably doesn't help either.

Or the leaking tranny fluid. Or the leaking oil.

But the little $500 beast has been nothing short of a miracle -- nearly 2 years old, and the only things I've done is replace some tires and do some exhaust work.

But today, at 6:10am, on my way to work at the CBC, my great deal of a car up and died.

Luckily I had crossed over the Second Narrows bridge and was more than halfway downtown. But as I drove, something seemed weird. I can't explain it -- but it just wasn't running like its old jalopy self.

And suddenly, it died. I coasted to a stop in front of some low-track hookers and tried with out success to restart it.

It had acted like this before, but had cured itself.

Not this time. I nearly wore down the battery trying to get it to start. It did start once, but it would not stay running.

So I bailed and called a cab... arriving at work just shortly after my start time.

I fretted most of the day -- it is imperative I have a car as I have double shifts that start and end before and after the buses do.

Long story short -- I went to fetch the car this evening. It started and ran like a top, and got me home.

Go figure.

I still think its going to crap out, however...


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