Monday, October 20, 2014

THR +108

Monday, October 20, 2014

Long day!

I got up early, stiff and sore from Sunday's big walk. It's funny how the rib pain has returned. It's not terrible, but it's there. The shoulder was a bit better, though.

I rushed out the door around 9, stopping for a coffee downtown before returning the rental car to the agency on the North Shore. This time I went via the Lion's Gate Bridge which was shorter in distance but about the same in time.

I took SeaBus/SkyTrain back to The Drive and walked about 1.4km home.

Despite the sun poking through, I spent the day working for two different clients. I had hoped to hit a patio for some sun, but decided to just plow through. Maybe tomorrow.

Anyway, I got lots done. But there's much more to do in these final days...

Here's what it looked like out my window:
Looking west from The Drive. Oct 20/2014 (iPod photo)
And now... time to kick back and fall asleep in my chair!

Exercise: 1.4km walk, no physio(!)

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