Wednesday, August 06, 2014

THR +33

August 6, 2014

Taking an oxy before going to bed worked a treat. I fell asleep right away and woke up just once -- and only for a couple of minutes. I was able to sleep most of the night on my back, but I did attempt both sides. Not quite there yet.

It's nice waking up refreshed. And in a cool apartment.

As an added bonus, the forecast for today is for similar toasty temperatures but with a mix of sun and cloud. I find a little bit of cloud makes a big difference in how hot my apartment gets in the afternoon.

On the agenda: a walk, Kickstarter stuff and the never ending work, of course.


I got all the work done. Almost. Walked to the grocery store. Did stuff around here. All with a cane. 

Took an oxy at 10.


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